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candidate for public office

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См. также в других словарях:

  • candidate — I noun applicant, aspirant, aspirer, candidates, challenger, competitor, contender, contestant, designee, desirer, entrant, hopeful, job seeker, nominee, office hunter, office seeker, petitioner, political aspirant, political contestant, runner,… …   Law dictionary

  • Candidate — For other uses, see candidate (disambiguation). A candidate is the prospective recipient of an award or honor or a person seeking or being considered for some kind of position; for example: to be elected to an office in this case a candidate… …   Wikipedia

  • Public image of Mitt Romney — Former 2008 and current 2012 U.S. Presidential candidate Mitt Romney …   Wikipedia

  • candidate — A person who seeks office and who, in the case of a public office to be filled by election, has taken the steps required by the election law to have his name presented at the election so that the voters may vote for him. 25 Am J2d Elect §§ 128 et …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • office-hunter — offˈice hunter noun A self seeking candidate for public employment • • • Main Entry: ↑office …   Useful english dictionary

  • PUBLIC AUTHORITY — PUBLIC AUTHORITY, in the context of this article, a term referring to an authoritative body composed of representatives of the public – whether appointed or elected by the latter – and entrusted with the duty and power to arrange various matters… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • write-in candidate — noun a candidate for public office whose name does not appear on the ballot and so must be written on the ballot by the voters • Syn: ↑write in • Derivationally related forms: ↑write in (for: ↑write in) • Hypernyms: ↑campaigner …   Useful english dictionary

  • Public Health Genomics — is the utilization of genomics information to benefit public health. This is visualized as more effective personalised preventive care and disease treatments with better specificity, targeted to the genetic makeup of each patient. (Bellagio Group …   Wikipedia

  • For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK — Tēvzemei un Brīvībai/LNNK Leader Roberts Zīle Founded TB: 1 February 1993 …   Wikipedia

  • independent candidate — A candidate for public office, entitled by virtue of having been legally nominated to have his name on the ballot, but who is not the nominee of any existing political party. Stanfield v Kozer, 119 Or 324, 249 P 631 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Public image of Barack Obama — Barack Obama campaigning in New Hampshire, August 2007. Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States, has elicited a number of public perceptions regarding his personality and background. As the first African American President of the… …   Wikipedia

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